Sunday, May 12, 2024

You are it Muruga!

 Lord Muruga, His unbounded Grace flows through His Being into the crevices of my heart and stirs me up to awaken from my deep, dark sleep. "Don't sleep on your life. Your life is true and so are you," it seems to say. For long I had blocked this truth from seeping and filling my body, my soul and spirit, and to allow it to the light that casts real understanding about my life. I had and have been the block that doesn't let the true love of Lord Muruga to touch my every pore and had been weighed down by my lower energies that kept me stagnant and stuck in my past life and the habits and patterns that made them stuck as I struggled to get free and still do get stuck but can find my way out better than before. 

Thank you Muruga for making me capable enough to let the old 'adapting to limitations' mindset go slowly and also through your own designed lessons that keep me on my path to realizing and feeling you as tears of plain gratitude and love well up each time your unique ways to test me, to bring to light the patch of darkness that I was stuck to, and to help release it freely without self doubt, without guilt, without looking up to anyone outside of me for validation.

You are all I want and need Muruga, and no fear, no trauma, no trigger is strong enough to keep you away from me as you are truth realized, love to belong to, and peace to embody. You are everything I have wanted and your grace goes beyond my expectations and logic/validation seeking mind. You are the love to be loved and the essence to nourish oneself in and live through. You live through one and all who makes space for truth and surrender to you as their core value. You are the All of all. You are it Muruga!

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