Friday, May 24, 2024

Self growth

 Narcissists are pure ignorance manifested. They can only actualize their egos but at the cost of betraying others trust and manipulating their way into making believe that they are genuine people. Narcissists betray themselves by not wanting to take responsibility for their behaviour and maintaining select narrative that is built for upstaging others while placing themselves on the centerstage by playing the victim card, by dramatizing their past to good effect and blaming others, but couldn't care less as their image preservation for the outside world to see and empathize with is all that they work towards.

Destroying others sense of self comes easily to them as they thrive on sucking the life energies of others and do so covertly, slyly and with an insidious way of being pervasive of others trust, their personal space, others sensitivities and compassion, and in short, whatever they are not capable of within themselves, they just pry their way into others emotions and nurturing and take it as if it's their property and their right by faking their "concern" in return, and just to break others boundaries and others willpower to get what they want.

Narcissists do not die alone but carry others broken feelings and probably not a shred of guilt but while alive gaslight others into feeling guilty, body shame them, distort others sense of reality, and I am not sure if any of these karmas will teach them to learn from their irresponsibility. They are so blinded by being oblivious to what they do when alive to others that I doubt if they would ever realize their truth for who they are after their passing.

Life is a rite of passage from one point to another and all the letting go to make the travel lighter and just be at peace with myself is all I can try and work towards. It's really not worth it to hold on to the damage that narcissists bring about in your lives but very important to release their ill will, their evil, their lies, betrayal, manipulations, dramatizations and so on before departing for one's own higher good. It's only fair to say that if we are here for love, then we truly learn that this is not true love and being aware, sensitive, and kind to yourself and channeling intuition in connection with spiritual energies is a beautiful way to be grateful for this life and for all the experiences that life brings. In short, adapting your life in accordance with a narcissist is time wasted while exploring who you really are, what you like, dislike, are drawn to feel inspired and learn and so on is an interesting way to keep moving on since there is no better gift that you can give yourself than self growth.

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