Friday, May 3, 2024

Discovering ourselves one layer at a time

 Is there a world outside of one's mind? Is there any truth to it? For ease of comprehension, who we are, where we come from, and what family and cultures we belong to, and how we allow ourselves to be defined by it makes up for our individual worlds. This is a lengthy conditioned narrative that is subjective to one's understanding and how one responds to it. And this narrative may be stretched or condensed according to the rationalizations of one's intellect.

When this narrative is not true to to our feeling of the situation(s), then our perception of people involved in it, their responses, emotions, becomes a harnessing ground for an inner environment which is covered by layers and layers of what we want to be true, what we believe may have happened but instead is this way or that, and our acceptance of derived influences nevertheless are indicators of falling apart with our true feelings. Our lack of self validation for what feelings to feel connected to and what seems to absorb us but disconnects us from our core, are all cumulative snowballing of situations over a period of time which throws us off balance and alignment with oneself.

This lack of alignment with oneself is a major cause for being present in one's life but clueless about how to navigate with one's mind steadily.

I believe that mind is an overstressed tool and is made to be the target recipient to hold all our unresolved, conflicted emotions, and it has to somehow, despite being subjective at how it tries to process through concepts, logic, ego, conditionings, analyzing, comparing, criticizing, judging, researching and so on, but still cannot negate the truth of our emotions for what it is. Whether shadowed by all of these or just simply suppressed for want of freedom and immersed in fear in the environment, the coming out of the suppression is a world of its own. 

Truth is as objective as the shine on gold, and even if all that glitters is not gold, but the light that emerges from the letting go of so many layers that kept us defined to who we should be is more precious and unique. Whether we wear this gift ornamentally or add weight to it by staying humble and hold space for our entire heart(inclusive of our feelings, emotions, faith, forgiveness, intuitions, prayers, love and so on) to emerge from the depths of our shadows is a mindful choice.

There is nothing like being too truthful or too pure, but reflecting on our self made image, profile, status and so on, is just the start of scratch to discovering ourselves one layer at a time.

And what softens our heart, our conscience in other words, which holds our truths no matter how dark, discolored they may be is our love for our creator. Love is an energy and not a form pertaining to sex, color, or race of a person. We want to make it into a form that can be defined within the conditionings and understandings of our mind and our environment that we come from and seek validation for this energy outside of ourselves. That's why we love to love our miseries, our frustrations, our disappointments, anger, sadness and so on when the desired outcome expected out of love is not received. God is often perceived as an object of these unmet desires and unacknowledged emotions and prayed for acknowledging or fulfilling of this lack and which is then compartmentalized in our minds instead of opening our hearts to accept His creations in all forms and shapes and for our lives as is.

Loving God is a complete experience in itself and it cannot be defined within the logical processing of of one's mind - it takes a lot of suffering and endurance to be true to loving God despite the challenges we may face through our bodies, relationships, from work and so on, and that is how it will be -  Loving God in all entirety is an act of surrender of all these factors that make us human and to have faith that our potential for love is much greater than our holding on to our miseries is to reciprocate His faith in us. 

Truth is a gateway to let our fears and blocks out provided we are willing to let it out and also if we are willing to be vulnerable to understand the limitations of the mind and the unconditioned opening of our hearts -  we need them both and if the flow of the heart is hardened by the mechanics of the mind, the heart can dry up and lose its essence, and if the mind is all about the ego, then you cannot see beyond yourself and can lose direction on your way ahead in life. 

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