Saturday, June 29, 2024


My take on karmic lessons is that or karma basically is that they are packaged to make you aware of the things you need to be mindful about for that particular situation and respond dutifully while being detached about the results no matter what they be.

I don't mean to intellectualize this truth but this is a revelation after my inner layers of wounds, false beliefs, assumptions, judgements, limitations, ignorance and so on came up maybe not in a linear order but the revelation is not an isolated moment in time but part of the flow. It's as if karma is what you feel you don't need for your ego to handle as your ego becomes your inner compass and makes your mind seemingly powerful and interprets what it thinks is right and how things need to happen for you to be alright with it, but karma serves up as the antithesis and hence serves you what you need for being in alignment with your soul.

The wheels of karma are well oiled and will give you results whether you planned for it or not - if your intention and your desire to work towards your self growth is worked for, then you live a karmic life truthfully since you will see the role of people in your life who may or may not be toxic but come into your life for offsetting the blocks that keep you from realizing your mistakes, who may help you discover your core strength through their deeds, good or bad, but it's the responsibility for owning your actions that's your karma and not to get stuck with 'my life, my wish, my this, my that..' and so on. Once you own your responsibility, then you let your feelings behind holding onto negative emotions underlying that responsibility go. You will feel it to heal it and live secure with the principles of uncertainty that life presents in itself and it's your karma to live through it as if slicing through the whole of the fruit and just remembering its essence and not get stuck on the taste of it and craving more of it.

Slice we must and slice we will since it's what we got to do. We will bear fruit of this slicing no matter how thick or thin the yield but just reaping what we sow in other words is the true take home, our actual home, back from where we came from cosmically. We become how we behave and how we act and not how we project to the rest of the world for who we supposedly think we are because all those ain't going to matter in our destination getting back home. If we have not truly worked for our higher good with our inner compass, our mind, body, and spirit, then we just will keep devouring life as if it's a never ending eating experience and will be served even karmically even if we feel full. So, releasing the layers that don't serve the appetite for soul food, or karmic food that nourishes the soul is in fact the necessary thing to do. So, karma is needed for your soul to stay aligned with its journey to get home to where it came from and not get derailed by the load of karma in your life - it gets heavy only if you wish to hang on to it and gets lighter if you release stuff that you don't need anymore and continue to stay true to it. 

Don't resist your karma - live it to leave it. It would leave you rather if you choose to not get stuck on what benefits it brings to you. The more lighter you get after living and letting go, the more space you create for God within you. 

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