Thursday, October 26, 2023

What habits can you let go of?

What are some of the habits that you would want to let go of? 

I had some answers to this rise up in my mind and few of them being:

1. To let go overthinking and giving into imaginative fears and fantasies
2. To forgive oneself time and again for (the amount of prioritization of others and limiting one's idea of what life, living, exploring life, interests, likeable activities etc means to oneself and in short) seeking validation from others at the cost of self minimization.
3. For getting stuck overanalyzing in proving I am right in my mind and repressing my true feelings and opinions whenever I had to express and thus self invalidating as a result.
4. For believing the fears of my parent and caretakers and absorbing them as my emotional template.
5. To keep creating the need for emotional blocks (unconsciously) so that I keep getting stuck in analyzing them and not fully feeling and expressing and releasing them.
 6. To let go living in my mind and to focus on expanding consciousness and awareness (which is why I have been able to sum up all these in a list form) and just simply sit through meditations as much silently as possible without too much mind chatter.

To let go these old patterns and to be fluid with the flow of life means to release my fears in holding onto them as way of habit. Expecting great results with not so great habits is the truth of the matter and realizing all these truths about oneself is the start to recreating oneself slowly one day at a time.
Healing all these patterns without overanalyzing the stuck aspects of these habits is a start to being kind to oneself. 

Anyone can be a critic but mindful awareness, silence, and sensitivity to one's feelings, one's ways of being and habits, (no matter how redundant or toxic they may have become, but owning upto them) and releasing them to the universe and working towards healthy habits is self acceptance from a newer perspective.

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