Friday, November 15, 2019

Whatsapp Forwards

Whatsapp forwards are like the uninvited guests who we can do without. They give opinions, free advice, and even preach on what are the do’s and don’ts as if they have voices of their own. These mindless voices spoken through whatsapp is an undeleted space that many of us have dedicated in our minds for such forwards.

Forwards may not take our minds ahead as in changing our thoughts and changing our lives kind of way, but would rather preach this through so many group members who are mobile addicts disguised as ‘proactive’ content providers. As a result, you flip through the pages of your mind as if they are random forwards going back and forth between groups, sending forwards or short messages back as acts of mobile diplomacy, and like folded pages in a book to serve as reminders to get back to doing what one left behind get back to try to stay on the same page with home or office work, or work from home as per convenience.

If our mobile trash folders with deleted items were to be retrieved to be assumingly valued in currency, (which even the waste or scrap, or old newspapers of our households won’t be worth as much put together), then we would have gotten a lump sum legacy to leave behind for our future - left, right, and forward, er…centre.

Since our demand for entertainment, infotainment, and all other bytes of focus distractions are fed through such apps, besides tons of channels on TV, Radio, web series, and other virtually streamed content, these forwards supply us with interactive things which we normally can’t come up with to say, to make people smile, or ponder about.
But somewhere between one forward after another in our ‘mobile’ lives, the effort to pick up the phone to say hi to one’s friends, to loosen up the comfort of lethargy that a forward wraps oneself into, and to keep the flow of verbal conversation going is keeping the human voice alive in us. After all, interaction is a two way street, and forwards can just fill in mechanical voids in the groups to say one is active and can just be our echoes, not our true voices.  

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