I have never created a schedule, a personal flow f activities of sorts which could be applied on an everyday basis. It's an abstract concept, this schedule thing and since my individual willpower to work towards that was broken for long, I am on the building it from scratch without superimposing acquired knowledge from outside to strengthen my willpower.
My choice to stand on the sidelines and see life happen for others has been so deeply etched that I feel drained out just thinking for how long I have been doing this to myself but did not know then due to self neglect and wanting to stay in invisibility mode, but know now that the vitality needed for living a life as fully and wholly as possible is a choice, a decision, which stems from the roots of strengthening individual willpower as much as possible.
It's not a life well lived if I don't risk it - risk the losses, mistakes, learnings, finding ways to trust myself and picking myself up to move on as part of the process of living and living it all inclusive of the consequences of risking to want to genuinely explore myself. Sometimes it could come at the cost of unsettling others or being misunderstood. But unless I go full way into getting my feet wet, I will keep looking back the footsteps that I could have chosen to walk maybe in some other way in order to have avoided mistakes, in order to be error free, in order to just be an unreal, analytical concept of self who is stuck in overthinking and stagnation and is tentative on taking the plunge all the way through the ups and downs.
It felt like my health, my body was some sort of mistake back in my childhood days and the best way I thought to move on from that feeling was to neglect that but it kept coming back to me in the form of my mother's fears and insecurities which she knowingly or unknowingly rubbed it on my face and there was a major hit to my ego over and over and I assumed just going with the flow as I am responsible for making her feel frustrated over my health and sensitivity and hence lived in stagnation and just wanting to escape feeling miserable and guilty but in vain.
A dent to one's ego is not how one lacks strength in perceiving oneself but how one is made to feel and when one starts to believe that to be his/her truth.
"Too sensitive, weak, " and so on was something I grew up listening to over and over and at one point stopped fighting with it from within and just started to imagine, fantasize a stronger, assertive, and bold person which was some sort of go to but I ended up getting sucked more and more into this make believe world which was a pleasant or a different space to be in and which didn't require me to directly get in touch with myself, my core feelings, and I eventually ended up losing vitality or that spark to live an authentic, real life which is just which it is and not what I project it to be.
There were tonnes of layers of stubbornness, fatigue, sadness, anxiety, suppressed anger, ruminations that I had picked up as a result of trying to sustain a fantasizing life and started to get irritated or thrown off balance when reality with its own challenges kept calling in some form or some situation or the other where I had no choice but to be present to it.
I read self motivation books, poems, short stories, anything feel good just to want to stay stuck in this hardened bubble. But nothing hurts more than the truth that the more I look back and grieve over missed opportunities, not being understood enough, not working with more focus on building myself through my core willpower and just compulsively was perseverant in order to tolerate my sensitivities, pains, and sufferings, which just made me want to stay numb and stay disconnected from who I am, the more I realize that life is about learning from this second chance at living through awareness and that such knots and blocks are ways to arrive at awareness.
This pain of realization is better than having lived fully under some conditioned fog and these tears of truth is just a beginning to lift them up layer after layer.
Because what I put myself into, I need to get them out as well. And quite simply, we can't escape from our karmas and as much as time catches up with us leading us towards our end, karma too is not done until it does what it intends for us. To choose to work for one's higher good and for that of the environment that one lives in and the society/community that one is part of facilitates for the template to work on our karma but when done without holding onto expectations too much and within the time given to us to make it happen is all that matters.