Sometimes disconnect between self and the people from the past who happen to be family happen for a reason. And the sooner this drift from the sentimental and the familiar happens, the more future changing it becomes. Because we fear to break out of the time tested formula of physical sustenance, emotional nourishment provided by family, we prefer clinging to the all too known family culture, family tradition, togetherness etc.
It is then essential to grow with life's enormous channels through people, relationships, money, health, and also divine interventions and remind ourselves that while we are here let's take each living day as an answered prayer and all that we love and we move away from a blessing in disguise.
In truth, we are afraid to admit that we are able to cope up being alone, and also know from the soul that there is only so much or only so far that a family can support and come along in one's life. It is here that spiritual guides/Gurus can replace this feeling of being lost and wanting to start all over again with a sense of new found purpose and perspective to live the rest of the life and get prepared for what's coming after it.
Since the soul outlives the body, and the bonding with family, friends, pets, needs, wants, likes, dislikes etc after death, it gravitates towards a higher plan of cosmic life proving once more that disconnect happens for a reason. What was once 'My life' is a part of the unknown, the unfamiliar, and belongs to a cosmic family of after life.
It is then essential to grow with life's enormous channels through people, relationships, money, health, and also divine interventions and remind ourselves that while we are here let's take each living day as an answered prayer and all that we love and we move away from a blessing in disguise.
In truth, we are afraid to admit that we are able to cope up being alone, and also know from the soul that there is only so much or only so far that a family can support and come along in one's life. It is here that spiritual guides/Gurus can replace this feeling of being lost and wanting to start all over again with a sense of new found purpose and perspective to live the rest of the life and get prepared for what's coming after it.
Since the soul outlives the body, and the bonding with family, friends, pets, needs, wants, likes, dislikes etc after death, it gravitates towards a higher plan of cosmic life proving once more that disconnect happens for a reason. What was once 'My life' is a part of the unknown, the unfamiliar, and belongs to a cosmic family of after life.