Do not try to be someone else's idea of who you are and know for yourself that you are complete being just you. Do not submit yourself in the name of humility to another's egoistic anger beyond reason and logic beyond sense. Stretching yourself to others idiosyncrasies is not adapting well..but just dumbing down lower..
Do not give others the power to decide for you what is right and how to do things not ask others to understand you better but stay clear on your line of not bend or shorten this line for others lack of sensitivity and choose to move ahead if it still hurts.
There is nothing like very happy or very sad - it's only your mind taking longer to let go when you cling to them to make you feel situationally feel good or miserable about yourself.
Embracing yourself just as you are is hard. That would mean being able to be brave enough to overlook the flaws in your life and not hold anyone else responsible, or being hard on yourself for the missed opportunities to make life better. Challenges do not define who you are as much as appreciation. Realizing your strengths through others opinions does not weaken or empower you either. It's your focused intention to want to learn, grow wiser, more calm and giving and let go memories that don't serve your life in the now that makes you unique as a human and as an evolving person.
The blessed life we have and are living is already complete, and so are our personalities. Remember, you can never be someone else's idea of perfect.